Ludic Agent Learning Teaching and Training activity in Girona (20-24 September 2021)
An international 5-day training of trainers of ludic agents was held in the city of Girona (Spain) on 20-24 June 2021
Participants to the Joint staff training were youth workers (trainers) from each of the 3 service provider organisations of the project (Für Soziales, Fundacja Samodzielni Robinsonowie and Resilis).
The Ludic Agent training course consisted of a mix of theoretical and practical sessions in the field of board game playing. The basis of the international training of trainers was the contents elaborated in the project, namely the Guidelines on Board Games and the Ludic Agent Manual.
The training activity was led by the project partner La Juganera with a wide experience in offering training sessions in the field of playing and board games.
On completion of this training trainers from the Domus Ludens partnership were equipped to deliver to other youth workers training to become Ludic Agents themselves, that is agents with the capacity to implement a board game programming in residential centres in order to improve skills and wellbeing of young people in care.
Contents addressed in the training were the following:
- Playing in history
- Analysis of factors that difficult the right to play in care centres
- Analysis of factors that difficult the right to play in care centres
- Working personal skills with games.
- Identification of strategies and tools to address the foreseen difficulties to implement the right to play in care centres
- Classification of games
- Parts of a game: components, narrative, mechanics, etc.
- Main mechanics.
- Learning to read game instructions.
- The ludic programming in residential centres (Resilis)
- How to explain a game
- Games as an educative opportunity in care services (Resilis)
- Competitive games – cooperative games – team games.
- How to save and keep games in good condition.
- Internet resources